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About Me.

I have 25 years of vocational ministry experience in the areas of community outreach, missions, and evangelism. My calling and passion is to help church congregations think through and implement how they can launch their own bodies into local community outreach.

I serve as the Local Outreach Pastor at Northeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, where I lead the community outreach efforts for our church. I am also a Certified Church Consultant; I graduated from Church Consultation University in 2019 where I studied under the expertise of Dr. Thom Rainer. I received my BA degree from Purdue University and my M.Div. degree from Southern Seminary, in the area of Missions, Evangelism & Church Growth. To learn more about me, please see my LinkedIn profile:

I have been married to my beautiful bride Kimberly for 21 years. I have two kids: Zachariah (18) and Nathaniel (15).

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